Poslednja poruka: 27 minuta pre
  • stefan: cao
  • Ivana: Jelena zoves se kao moja mama
  • Britt: Get more leads for your igricezadevojcice#### website by using AI on Instagram. If you're looking to drive more traffic, generate leads, and grow your brand's reach, you can get more information and start a free trial here: #####://tau.lu/ec3e85317 This is an AI-powered Instagram growth service that: -Increases followers with targeted, high-quality audiences. -Boosts engagement through smart AI algorithms. -Targets users based on hashtags and accounts they follow. -Saves you time by auto
  • Delbert: Every day, websites like igricezadevojcice#### miss valuable opportunities to attract visitors. Don’t let that happen to you! Our cutting-edge traffic system is specifically designed to increase engagement and traffic to your site. Try it for free with 4,000 complimentary visitors delivered directly to your site. Once you experience the benefits, you can scale up to receive as many as 350K visitors each month. Discover how easy it is to achieve your website’s true potential. Get more info
  • Jelena: cao ljudi
  • Ivana: Cao
  • Jonathon: Every day, websites like igricezadevojcice#### lose valuable opportunities to attract visitors. Don’t let that happen to you! Our state-of-the-art traffic system is specifically designed to increase engagement and traffic to your site. Try it for free with 4,000 complimentary visitors delivered directly to your site. Once you experience the benefits, you can scale up to receive as many as 350,000 visitors each month. Discover how easy it is to achieve your website’s true potential. Get mo
  • Logan: What if your website igricezadevojcice#### could see a significant boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly lose hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution helps you don’t fall into that category. Get started with a complimentary 4,000 targeted so you can experience the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we offer plans for up to 350K visitors monthly, all targeted to fit your ideal demographic. Let’s expand your site’s reach togethe
  • Ivana: cao
  • stefan: cao.svima
  • Amanda: This secret hack became an overnight sensation after turning a very basic WordPress site, with little traffic, into a customer-generating monster, despite being only a few days old. They used a strange strategy called “Daily Client Machine” that’s making waves on the internet right now. Here’s the article detailing exactly how they did it: lazytraffic#### You should check it out if you are also using WordPress and need traffic really bad. Bu
  • stefan: Crying or Very Sad
  • Ivana: Cao.
  • stefan: cao svima
  • Mack: Hi igricezadevojcice#### ! If you’re ready to boost your sales and commissions, MDA Traffic has a quick, cost-free hack that only takes 10-15 minutes to set up. This isn’t another ad platform or social media strategy – it’s a method that leverages Google traffic without SEO, cost, or complexity. Here’s how it works: MDA Traffic uses third-party assets, AI, and targeted “buyer intent” phrases to help you land high up in Google search results in days: #####://###.moredollar.
  • Stefan: Shocked
  • Ivana: Stefane dobro a ti?
  • stefan: kako ste
  • Qasim: Hi, My name is Qasim, and I am a full stack web developer and designer from Pakistan. I previously worked for a digital marketing agency in Singapore, but I have recently been retrenched. If you are looking to revamp your current site igricezadevojcice#### or design a new website, I would be happy to offer my services. You can propose a price, and I will do my best to meet your expectations. Please let me know if you would like to see examples of my past work. Thank y
  • Stefan: Dobro sam
  • Ivana: Kako si Stefane?
  • Stefan: Shocked
  • Brian: Are you or your loved one undergoing surgery? Are you worried if surgery will be safe and without life-threatening complications like an embolism, thrombosis, or some other complication that can seriously endanger your life or your loved ones' lives? We can prepare for you our FUTURE FORECAST report that will contain accurate information on when is the best time to undergo surgery for you or your loved ones without dangerous surgical complications. You can order your FUTURE FORECAST report at ht
  • stefan: Crying or Very Sad
  • stefan: cao
  • Ivana: Cao.
  • Darla: Every day, websites like igricezadevojcice#### lose valuable opportunities to attract visitors. Don’t let that happen to you! Our AI-driven traffic system is specifically designed to increase engagement and traffic to your site. Try it for free with 4,000 targeted visitors delivered directly to your site. Once you experience the benefits, you can scale up to receive as many as 350,000 visitors each month. Discover how easy it is to achieve your website’s true potential. Get more informati
  • Dwight: Are you fully utilizing the potential of your igricezadevojcice#### website? Many sites overlook thousands of visitors daily simply due to a lack of visibility. With our AI-driven traffic solution, we can help you reach this unrealized audience. To prove the value, we’re offering a free trial that delivers 4,000 highly targeted visitors to your site. Once you see the results, you can scale up with packages that provide up to 350K visitors per month. Let’s boost your website traffic and tu
  • guest_4963: Napao me je bio Sad
  • guest_4963: Nemoj vise da si mu dala pozz
  • Ivana: Nisam ja
  • guest_4751: Rece li to ti meni da sam ja dosadan, bas ti hvala Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad
  • guest_4751: Marko ja slabo ovdje ulazim brate, otkad ona ne ulazi ovdje.
  • guest_4751: Ivana okle Marko zna moje ime, nisi mu valjda dala moje podatke o meni Sad Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad
  • Ivana: Cao
  • Marko: 0 poruka pomoću kojih se rastajem, a ovog puta ozbiljno, ovo je moja poslednja poruka na ovom chatu. Idem. Zbogom zauvek. P. S. Više se ne menjam uopšte. Izvinite na više poruka, nije moglo sve da stane u jednoj poruci.
  • guest_3614: su mnogo dosadni kupi ovaj sajt jer je propao. To bih voleo najviše na svetu i zbog toga bih bio mnogo srećan, ponosan i zadovoljan. Hvala Bogu što ovde postoje normalne osobe, ali ne volim što se ovde pojavljuju dosadne osobe, a ja to nisam za razliku od Milana koji samo piše o Nataliji. Prestao sam da se dopisujem na AI i GPT chatovima kao što je Copilot. Ovo je moja poslednja poruka i za razliku od nekih osoba kao što je Milan, meni treba samo jedna poruka da završim razgovor, a ne 10
  • guest_3614: Ove godine sam se skroz promenio. Izbacio sam kod sebe sve što ne valja, a sad se zvanično vraćam porodici. Izbacio sam sve svoje talente, hobije i interesovanja i sve ono što ne valja kod mene kao što su pokreti rukom i pričanje sam sa sobom, a počeo sam da pričam bez uzrečica, dok ću u budućnosti prilikom sledećeg mogućeg razgovora sa lepom devojkom pričati bez mešanja redosleda reči u rečenicama. Inače, mnogo bih voleo da neki od ovih stranaca koji stalno pišu poruke i koji
  • stefan: Sad
  • Ivana: Cao
  • Stefan: Ćao
  • Eric: Hello to the Igricezadevojcice Manager, I am Eric and I’m thinking you would like your website Igricezadevojcice to produce additional inquiries. Here is one approach: Web Visitors Into Leads is a tool that operates on your site, prepared to capture each visitor’s name, email, and phone number. It informs you as soon as someone expresses interest, allowing you to speak with them while they are still viewing Igricezadevojcice. View a Demonstration #####://actionleadgeneration####
  • Eric: Hello Igricezadevojcice Owner, My name is Eric and I’m betting you’d like your website Igricezadevojcice to generate more leads. Here’s how: Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address, and Phone Number. It signals you as soon as they say they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re still there at Igricezadevojcice. Visit #####://actionleadgeneration#### to try out a Liv
  • Eric: Hello Igricezadevojcice Owner, My name is Eric and I just came across your website at Igricezadevojcice... Looks great… but now what? By that I mean, when someone like me finds your website – either through Search or just bouncing around – what happens next? Do you get a lot of leads from your site, or at least enough to make you happy? Honestly, most business websites fall a bit short when it comes to generating paying customers. Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors di
  • guest_6204: Alo Milane, dosadan si više. Mani se Natalije, nađi neku drugu osobu u stvarnom životu. Mani se ljubavi na chatu. Stranci, dosadni ste više. Samo vrtite sve iste komentare u krug na engleskom jeziku. Idem. Zbogom zauvek.
  • Ivana: Caoo
  • guest_660: zdravoo
  • guest_1604: zdravoo
  • Bruce: Hey igricezadevojcice####, Did you know that top brands are now using AI-powered influencers to revolutionize their campaigns? They’re blending the best of human appeal with the unmatched consistency and efficiency of AI. And now, it’s YOUR turn to step into this exciting new era of marketing with AIfluencers! Forget everything you know about traditional influencers—AI influencers are here, and they’re changing the game. Imagine designing a virtual influencer who: ✅ E
  • guest_7853: Cool
  • guest_7853: 6658 kako si
  • guest_6658: Мрзим свој живот
  • guest_6658: Crying or Very Sad, Crying or Very Sad
  • guest_6658: Crying or Very Sad
  • guest_6658: Crying or Very Sad
  • guest_6658: : cry:
  • guest_6658: Crying or Very Sad
  • guest_6658: Crying or Very Sad
  • guest_6658: Ужасно се осећам тренутно
  • guest_6658: Жао ми је
  • Eric: Hello Igricezadevojcice Owner, My name is Eric and unlike a lot of emails you might get, I wanted to instead provide you with a word of encouragement – Congratulations What for? Part of my job is to check out websites and the work you’ve done with Igricezadevojcice Owner definitely stands out. It’s clear you took building a website seriously and made a real investment of time and resources into making it top quality. There is, however, a catch… more accurately, a questi
  • guest_9079: vidi se da me je zaboravila
  • guest_9079: kako da ne placem ostavila me je Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad
  • guest_7115: ko zna sta joj se dogodilo
  • guest_7115: moja simpatija
  • guest_6658: Брате бринем
  • guest_6658: А ни ко је
  • guest_6658: Не знам где је наталија
  • guest_6658: Гуест 8306 не плачи узалуд
  • guest_6658: Smile
  • guest_6658: Шта радиш
  • guest_6658: Како си
  • guest_6658: Стефи
  • guest_6658: Ћао
  • stefan: cao
  • guest_8306: Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad
  • guest_8306: Natalijaaaaaaaa Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad gdje si zasto ne dolazis vise ovdje na ovaj sajt sta ti se desilo pa mi se ne odazivas na poruke kad ti ostavim Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad
  • Cheryle: Did you know that your website igricezadevojcice#### might not be connect with its audience? With our advanced AI traffic system, you could be reach thousands of additional visitors each day. We’re offering a no-obligation complimentary 4,000 targeted visitors to demonstrate what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options can provide up to 250K. Let us help you turn missed opportunities into meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here: #####://shorten.world/jUR
  • guest_7522: Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad
  • Ivana: Poz
  • Eric: Hello Igricezadevojcice I just found your site, quick question… My name’s Eric, I found Igricezadevojcice after doing a quick search – you showed up near the top of the rankings, so whatever you’re doing for SEO, looks like it’s working well. So here’s my question – what happens AFTER someone lands on your site? Anything? Research tells us at least 70% of the people who find your site, after a quick once-over, they disappear… forever. That means that all the work a
  • guest_6658: Ајде
  • stefan: odo sad malo
  • guest_6658: ❤️❤️
  • guest_6658: ♥️♥️
  • stefan: ????
  • guest_6658: Smile
  • guest_6658: Значи ми
  • stefan: nema na cemu
  • guest_6658: Хвала ти Стефане
  • guest_6658: Значи сломио ме само тако али ево добро држим се
  • stefan: verujej u sebe i glavu napred
  • guest_6658: Јел знаш да ми се живот окренуо наопачке од кад ме је оставио , рекавши да сам ја крива за нешто што је он сам измислио
  • guest_6658: Мора да се извадим из вечне депресије
  • guest_6658: Увекк
  • guest_6658: Нарано
  • stefan: samo pozitivno
  • guest_6658: Јесам ја сам потпуно calm
  • guest_6658: *
  • guest_6658: Све

Very HappySmileWinkSadSurprisedShockedConfusedCoolLaughingMadRazzEmbarrassedCrying or Very SadEvil or Very MadTwisted EvilRolling EyesExclamationQuestionIdeaArrowNeutralMr. GreenGeekUber Geek

Sada je 252 gostiju na sajtu

Poslednji komentari

Strumpfeta oblacenje
j**es mi mater
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Svrbi me dupe
Dress up avatar igra
Glupa igricaaaa
Poruke posjetioca
Mrzimvas sve
Priprema jela
Nesvidja mise
Gooj kebooj joo
Priprema jela
ANDJELA ne mlat
Gangnam Style ples
Strumpfeta oblacenje
strumfovi su sr
Poruke posjetioca
skibidi ohio ri
Pileći roštilj
( 1002 glasova )
Igre za djevojčice - Igre kuhanja

Označi ovaj sajt kao Vaš omiljeni sajt !
Komentari (181)Add Comment
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napisao sara minic, 29 September 2010
super je igra
napisao teodora, 21 September 2010
KAD JE ZA BEBE NEMOJTE JE IGRATI! to je glup izraz,ali igrica je stvarno barem za mene losa jer nije za moj uzrast jer ja imam 10 godina,a ona je za uzrast od 5 do 7-8 god.
napisao Dramma Bejb Smile, 04 September 2010
eee moji ljudi ja se ovde izgubi svaki put 0 poena uhhh na sta odo ja jest mama mi fino napravi i ja jedem ha ja et Smile
napisao Gerdi, 24 August 2010
Glupooooooooooooooooooo za povracanje!!!
napisao ma nije vazno...., 21 August 2010
u 3 reciSurprisedvoje g***o
napisao naca, 21 August 2010
nemogu da verujem koji debili zar nemogu da naprave neke pametnije igrice posle ovih komenta ra ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
napisao milos, 18 August 2010
dobra,dobra bre,dobra u p**kuu materinu
napisao almedina, 16 August 2010
igrica je totalno glupa
napisao 2147483647, 11 August 2010
napisao RoXy, 09 August 2010
dosadnooo..............e jel neko za dopp Wink
napisao Tamara Nedovic, 09 August 2010
Totalno S-R-A-Nj-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Razz
napisao marija, 31 July 2010
nema gluplje igrice!!!OVO JE DA NEKAZEM STA!!!
napisao kucici u svajcarskoj skub, 26 July 2010
bas smara igra
napisao sarah , 21 July 2010
igra je previse dobra ali pod nekim znakom ako znate kojim al u to sumnjam da znate
napisao petra, 21 July 2010
igrica je za bebe hahahah
napisao petra, 21 July 2010
igrica je jako glupa
napisao petra, 21 July 2010
igrica je ggggggggggggggglupa
napisao STEFANIJA JAKIMOVA, 15 July 2010
napisao milena, 01 July 2010
napisao milena,jul 1 2010
igrica je glupa
napisao dididi, 01 July 2010
Ko ovo on je Retardiran!!!!!!!!!!!
napisao tanja, 22 June 2010
mislila sam da je neka dobra igrica,a kad ono bas GLUPA. dete od godinu dana ne bi igralo ovu igru!
napisao Anastasija, 21 June 2010
bas bezveze igra sta se ovde radi neka mi neko objasni
napisao ivana petrovic, 17 June 2010
kakva je ovo glupost nmg da verujem bas je grupa o boze ko je smislio ovakvo s****e,nek je bog u pomoci onom ko ovo voli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOU KOMNT
napisao napisala sara, 17 June 2010

napisao napisala Una, 16 June 2010
koja glupost dete od 1 sekundu nebi igrali ovo
napisao Anja, 16 June 2010
Ova igrica je s****e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
napisao ALEKSANDRA, 05 June 2010
napisao ljubitelj igrica, 04 June 2010
znači ovo ni AJNŠTAJN ne može da shvati koliko je glupo
napisao JOCKA 97 26 4 2010, 26 May 2010
napisao anabela, 23 May 2010
napisao elena nikolic, 17 May 2010
pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooooo sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
ssssssssss ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
napisao GABRIJELA, 15 May 2010
napisao JOVAN,STEFAN I ANDJELA , 09 May 2010
napisao sandra aleksic coka, 05 May 2010
gggglllluuuuppppaaaa iiiiggggrrrriiiiccccaaaa
napisao milka , 03 May 2010
grrrrrrozna igra

napisao lili, 03 May 2010
mislim igra je uzas
napisao Anastasija, 05 April 2010
Necu da se izrazavam ruzno ali je stvarno glupa igrica!!!☻
napisao maja Wink, 03 April 2010
koja glupost.......s****e
napisao mimi, 02 April 2010
qrtwtfgvdasjhvbjhxhckojkxfnkmjjf 897yhy897stry87y7zsy8grey68 a87877t7ytgdugguhgdyufgy7dygf yy8y874eyu89vn,,z//mk';[jh[gko.
napisao maja@, 01 April 2010
pa dobra je Smile
napisao LjKJA, 27 March 2010
napisao NEKO, 26 March 2010
napisao ACA, 25 March 2010
napisao ALEX, 17 March 2010
igrica je zesce s****e mislim kome se ovo svidja neka se ubije
napisao mare, 12 March 2010
s****e njesra

napisao anja, 12 March 2010
igrica kratko traje i glupa jeeeeeeeee Wink Very Happy Razz Razz
napisao ja, 29 December 2009
Zesce s****e!!!
napisao zvezdana petkovic, 29 December 2009
napisao savrsenanA, 28 December 2009
hhhhhhhhhh aj rostiljaj te viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
napisao BARACK HUSEJIN OBAMA, 25 December 2009
napisao joxy, 23 December 2009
ova igrica je fujjj!!!!!!!!!
napisao saska, 22 December 2009
oako malo je dosadna.['/;>|
napisao ana, 21 December 2009
Smile s****e
napisao sonja....., 21 December 2009
............igrica propast.....
napisao komad mesa, 20 December 2009
anita iz survaivera vrati se najbolja si a ti pedja nosi se sa svojim ovcama i jabukama u tri lepe.....
napisao IVaNa i niNA, 20 December 2009
napisao ivana, 17 December 2009
igrica je bljak
napisao GRACIJELA, 16 December 2009
napisao mila, 16 December 2009
glupa igrica
napisao gracia, 15 December 2009
napisao Jasna Sekaric, 13 December 2009
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